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Morocco: Moroccan Lemon Olive Chicken

Taste the world: Moroccan Lemon Olive Chicken

The Story

We’ve never been to Morocco, but I’ve always wanted to go. I want to go buy spices, leather and take in all the breathtaking views. I always told myself I would watch Casablanca before I go, to get into the mood. That hasn’t happened yet.

Well, this dish has 2 things Tony isn’t a fan of – olives and lots of lemons – but he’s been very open minded lately, so I took advantage and decided to make this dish. I love olives and lemons!

I used this recipe by A Communal Table.


Utensils and Ingredients We Didn’t Have



Emily – The Chef

Soooo flavorful and I wish there was a scratch and sniff website plugin so I can share how amazing my house smells! So different from my usual flavors.

Tony – Really Nice Taste Tester aka Husband of the Year

It’s good! 🙂

Henry – Everything is ‘Spicy’ Taste Tester

I just pointed at the olives and said ‘it’s spicy’ and chugged my milk. I love using that phrase because I can usually get away with not eating it.

Andrew – Sleeping Baby

Zzzz… Dreaming of eating solids. But maybe not this time. 🙂



Are you from Morocco? What do you think? Do you think this was made authentically? Or did I miss a key ingredient/utensil?