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Travel the World

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Travel the World with Us

We. Love. To. Travel.

Tony and I traveled to 4 countries in 24 hours once. As a family of 4, we’ve traveled to 5 countries in 14 days. Not every moment is rainbows and sunshine, but we did see a lot of rainbows and sunshine (literally and figuratively) and had a lot of fun!

Tony and I met at the Northern California World Trade Center when we were both interns. We were both International Relations majors (in different colleges before we met). We are both mutts – Tony is Greek/Swiss Italian and I am Japanese/Welsh/English.

We hope our kids grow up to love to travel too. For so many reasons but our main reason is that you grow so much when you travel. There is something about coming back to a place where you call home, where nothing has changed, but everything about you changed. I love that feeling. You appreciate home in a whole new different way. Seeing your kids experience that same feeling has been way cooler than experiencing that for me.

There is something about coming back to a place where you call home, where nothing has changed, but everything about you changed….Seeing your kids experience that same feeling has been way cooler than experiencing that for me.



U.S. States



North, South, East and West!